There was a time when I wouldn't even read the Daily Cardinal because the Badger Herald was so much better... not so much anymore. I'm all for free speech, but shouldn't staff writers be held to some sort of standard? I was a little concerned when I found the following on a
blog post from Kyle Szarzynski concerning the termination of political student org columns.
"Rydell wrote fluff, Sara M is an idiot and Paul Pryse never wrote about local issues.... but the SPD column was almost always substantive and local..."
But then again, I guess I really shouldn't be surprised by this sort of thing when Kyle's superior, Sam Clegg, thinks the following comment from "Bill Cosby" is "hilarious":
"And just for the record, Sara Mikolajczak isn’t that hot, but she’ll do things other girls won’t. Sordid and disgusting things.... And, yes. Her favorite flavor is chocolate!"
Is this really the type of higher intellectual discourse the Badger Herald wants? The kind of discourse that, instead of being morally objective, rushes to insult people at the first sign of disagreement? It's not about Kyle thinking I'm an idiot or Sam being a pervert, it's about the Herald holding on to what small shreds of integrity they have left before they lose it all and go down in opinion-page flames like the Cardinal.