Voting YES for the new ASM constitution does the following:
Gives conservatives a better chance of holding prominent positions in the student government through a student body presidency
Makes it harder for liberals to raise segregates fees beyond fiscally responsible levels
Allows student government to better focus its resources on campaigns and issues that are actually relevant to students
There is a group at the UW who would have you believe that the New ASM Constitution is bad for the university. What do they mean? They mean that the new constitution allows room for a president and they're afraid that someone more moderate or conservative than they are would be elected to the position. This group is a band of far-left organizations and students, ranging from the Campus Anti-War Network to the International Socialist Organization. The group is headed by the typical leftist front kids Kyle Szarzynski and Chynna Haas. Everyone else supports it (Badger Herald and Daily Cardinal included), and YOU SHOULD TOO!
Need to know how to vote? It's really not that hard. Here's how:
3) punch in your STUDENT ID
4) pat yourself on the back because you just voted!
That's all--happy voting! Remember the online voting through ASM is up from this morning until tomorrow night but please, please, please vote early so you don't forget! And remind your friends to do the same!
3) punch in your STUDENT ID
4) pat yourself on the back because you just voted!
That's all--happy voting! Remember the online voting through ASM is up from this morning until tomorrow night but please, please, please vote early so you don't forget! And remind your friends to do the same!
For a nitty-gritty look at the new constitution, what it does, and who supports it and doesn't check out the latest post on the Critical Badger.