Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I hate to do this to you again, BH...

Okay. For the most part, this was a great article was really good. Non-partisan. Got to the point. Think it could have been placed better than the 3rd page, but I'm not complaining. What I am complaining about is this:
Reps. Bill Kramer, R-Waukesha, Rich Zipperer, R-Pewaukee, Leah Vukmir, R-Wauwatosa, and Brett David, R-Oregon, introduced the proposals at a press conference Tuesday morning.
Brett David? Who is that? I know a Brett Davis, R-Oregon...

I told the EIC around noon today about the mistake and it still hasn't been fixed online. Way to go, Badger Herald. Maybe the copy edit team should learn the names of prominent state representatives. And the news reporters, too, for that matter.


Kristen said...

Wow Badger Herald, just wow. Does anyone else think that in order to write about politics, you should at least be able to name the major players? Or at least be able to use Blue Book online...

Jerad said...

When do we get to screw up the names of key democrats? Governor Boyle. Hitlery Clinton, Nancy Pel000000000si, Harry Rod. Kathleen Failure, Barack Obombus, Spencer Black Body. No one would ever screw up these names, so why screw up the names of the republicans?

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd point out that it's a easy mistake to miss. I think this is the only time I've spelled Barack Obama's name correctly...and I'm not completely sure of that. Maybe we can harp on something more important?